This site focuses on the digital history of the Jews of Boston, but sometimes students feel especially motivated to create a project centered in their home city.
Liza Sheehy created a truly remarkable tour of Baltimore’s historic synagogues that paired explanatory historical text and 360-degree photography of the interiors and exteriors of over a dozen places of worship. Readers can appreciate from Liza’s work both the diversity of Baltimore’s synagogue architecture and how many of the same processes of internal migration and suburbanization that shaped Boston’s Jewish community similarly affected Baltimore. Alan Sprikut’s 360-degree photographs of the New York Lower East Side’s Eldridge Street Synagogue (now museum) beautifully reconstruct that important building’s interior.
In a second project (for HIST 2431, Immigration and Identity in the American History), Liza Sheehy conducted a social network analysis of the Jewish press in the United States between 1849 and 1839. This impressive project visualizes the direct connections and overlap between Jewish intellectuals and their key publications, in Yiddish, Ladino, and English.