Architecture and Migration: Baltimore’s Historic Synagogues 360


The following interactive storymap traces the inner migration of Baltimore’s Jewish community and visually reconstructs the interiors and exteriors of many of Baltimore’s synagogues using 360-degree photography. Readers are invited to explore the architectural diversity of Baltimore’s synagogues, inside and out. Baltimore’s synagogue architecture is unique, but readers will notice the parallels, and differences, with Boston, in which Jews moved to, within, and around the city.

Storymap, photography, and text by Liza Sheehy. Storymap and embedded photography are viewed best on a desktop device.

Suggestions for Further Reading

Baltimore Hebrew Congregation. “About BHC.”

Beth El Congregation of Baltimore. “Our History.”

Beth Tfiloh Congregation & Community School. “History.”

Beth Tfiloh Congregation & Community School. “Timeline.”

Chizuk Amuno. “History & Mission.”

Goldstein, Eric L., and Deborah R. Weiner. On Middle Ground: A History of the Jews of Baltimore. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2018.

“Har Sinai Congregation.” Wikipedia. November 18, 2021.

Jewish Museum of Maryland. “Synagogue Stories.”

Most Worshipful Hiram Grand Lodge.

Oheb Shalom Congregation. “History & Merger – Har Sinai.”

“Shaarei Tfiloh Synagogue.” Wikipedia, March 30, 2021.